I own an old boat (1947 Garwood mahogany planked all wood inboard engine), thus I am the OLDBOAT guy. And I am old, (white hair on face) and that makes me the OLD boatguy.
This is a story of a Restoration
I restored this boat from April 2006 to October 2008. You will need to go to the very bottom, October 2008, to find the biginning. See blog archive on the right side.
Hi OldBoatGuy, this is Martha (you know Crash's friend). That is one good looking car and I'm sure if you look at it in the right like it is definately GOLD.
I'm from Idaho, born and raised on a farm. I spent 2 years in the Army during the cold war, and 5 years in Salt Lake City. The rest of my life has been in Idaho. I have 6 children, 21 grand children and 26 great-grand children, scattered in California, Texas, Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Arizona. I am the youngest of seven with only two of us left. I have strong family ties and I am a religious person with strong moral ethics. Like L'll Abner says, "I got scruples."
I have been an airplane pilot for fifty years, owned 1 plane and worked as a corporate pilot for 10 years. I have owned 6 boats, 22 cars and several dogs and cats. I was married to one beautiful lady for 42 years, 2 months and 5 days. Her generous heart got tired and she went to a better place in September of 2007. But this is not about sympathy. I am a happy person, never bored with several hobbies. I am also a computer adventure game addict.
I am glad you cleared that up.
Actually, Pat, it is listed as a Gold Mist. It changes color as you view it from a different angle. But a Crash Test Dummy would not know that.
ha ha ha hahahah
GOLD MIST! Of course. Why didn't you say so?
I have got to go show the world I'm right.
Of course a Crash Test Dummy would know that. Cars are our specialty.
Hi OldBoatGuy, this is Martha (you know Crash's friend). That is one good looking car and I'm sure if you look at it in the right like it is definately GOLD.
Hey, are you on your way to Cal-i-for-nigh-a?
OK. I'm in California now, Heidi, Angels Camp, with my brother.
Thanks, Martha, for dropping by.
Crash, I'm so glad you see it my way.
I'll be home next week.
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